Floor Hockey

Floor hockey is a term used to refer a collection of indoor hockey sports that were derived from various hockey codes. Five common variations of the sport exists, of which three are based on ice hockey, and two are based on bandy or field hockey. All variations of floor hockey is played on wooden surfaces similar to that of basketball courts. Different types of skates and sticks, and a ball or a puck, are used for different variations. For all variations of the sport, the objective of remains the same, teams have to move the ball or puck towards the opponent's goal and score as many goals as possible within the match duration.

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⁣These Tykes Were Getting After It!

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⁣WHOA! Things Got Heated In this Championship Game!

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⁣Floor Hockey! The Bandits vs. The Brooks | A Great Junior High Floor Hockey Game!

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⁣THIS IS THE PAVEL BARBER 2018 WORLD FLOORBALL CHAMPIONSHIP | HIGHLIGHTS. All rights reserve to IFF (International Floorball Federation)