
A fast-paced team sport played with soft balls, where players eliminate opponents by hitting them with a thrown ball without being struck themselves. Dodgeball is popular in schools, community centers, and has even spawned professional leagues and high-profile tournaments like the World Dodgeball Championships.

9 Views · 10 Months Ago

This is just absolutely CRAZY. ⁣This 6th Grade Kid is left all alone after all of his teammates are out in this Dodgeball game! It winds up being 6 against 1! Instead of panicking and retreating and just trying to survive, this kid goes absolutely Beast Mode and gets all 6 players on the opposing team out! THIS KID IS PROSTYL!!!

5 Views · 10 Months Ago

⁣Watch the guy in the far court with the light blue Tee on! He gets spotlighted. This is the most insane dodgeball sniper kill ever. He distracts the opponents by turning a somersault avoiding getting hit, landing and then firing a ball at the unprepared opponent for a strike! This is the The Most Outrages Dodge Ball Kill you will ever see!

6 Views · 10 Months Ago

⁣Exciting - When the USA men's dodgeball team stages an epic comeback against Team Canada. In overtime, Team USA ties it 14-14 and then caps it off by catching the Candanians attempt and avoiding a sweep of the US team! Is dodgeball Team USA ProStyl or just NoStyl? YOU DECIDE! VOTE!!!

9 Views · 10 Months Ago

This was a ⁣Massive Battle When Canada took on USA in the Men's Final Dodgeball World Championship back in 2014! Watch how these teams use the most clever strategy in Dodgeball which is the "corner trap"! ⁣The setup is to have your entire team spread out as evenly as possible across the court, but keep one or two players near the corners of your side. Then the "BAITING" have one of your teammates throw a ball towards the opposing team’s side, aiming for a player near the center. This attracts attention and encourages opponents to rush for the ball! Then the Trapping: As opponents move towards the center to retrieve the ball, your corner players quickly move diagonally towards the center line, cutting off potential retreat paths! ⁣ Then the "Ambush" with opponents so focused on retrieving the ball, your corner players should have a totally clear shot at them, taking advantage of their distraction. Meanwhile, your teammates cover the remaining angles, preventing any escape. Then "Execute"...this is the payoff - Throw balls simultaneously or in quick succession to overwhelm opponents and eliminate them before they can react effectively. This strategy is used so effectly here!