BMX is a thrilling, fast-paced cycling sport that originated in the 1970s in California. It encompasses various disciplines, including BMX racing on off-road tracks and BMX freestyle, which focuses on performing aerial stunts and tricks on skatepark ramps and street obstacles. BMX racing became an Olympic sport in 2008, while BMX freestyle debuted in at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 (due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

7 Views · 7 Months Ago

⁣Nicholi Rogatkin Pulled Off An Impossible 1440 at Red Bull District Ride In 2017. Do you understand what a "1440" is? That is 4 full rotations in the air before landing! This is insane! Is Rogatkin ProStyl or is he just NoStyl with this 1440?⁣😱⁣😱⁣😱

5 Views · 10 Months Ago

⁣This is one of the wildest Go-Pro BMX Rides you will ever take! This one really makes you feel like you're on the world's largest roller coaster. The drops, spins and curves are just crazy!!!

8 Views · 10 Months Ago

⁣These GO-PRO videos are the very best because you can feel every bump, lose your breath as you sore through the air, and get that adrenaline rush as the rider hits crazy top speeds! Here's another really Insane BMX Freeride down steps with a GoPro running!

5 Views · 10 Months Ago

You cannot beat the feeling of freedom and throwing caution to the wind with a BMX Freeride. What makes it even more exciting and challenging is when it's a ...Urban - Freeride! Saddle UP!!!

4 Views · 10 Months Ago

Check out this ⁣Amazing 2023 BMX Race! With all the riders in the race, it had everything you'd expect and more! Passes, crashes, flips and dips! This 2023 run was the race of the year!