
8 Views · 9 Months Ago

Sometimes the sailing race in Rio during the 2016 Olympics was about one thing and one thing only...SURVIVAL! These are highlights of the event's most ⁣TREACHEROUS SAILING RACE MOMENTS! There was nothing but TROUBLE on the WATER, it seemed like, the whole time! UNBELIEVABLE AND BREATH-TAKING!

15 Views · 9 Months Ago

⁣Here is the countdown of the Top 5 Crashes of SailGP | SailGP. Listen as the participants walks you through the very moment things went crazy for them. The good thing is that everyone survived and made it through safely!

9 Views · 9 Months Ago

Here's a complete narrative breakdown of how fast a sail rocket can actually go! This video shows ⁣How Vestas Sailrocket 2 Smashed the Sailing Speed Record!!! This is fascinating information. Things you never knew about the secrets behind a sail rockets speed!

8 Views · 9 Months Ago

Watch how these crews get a boat up to ⁣Sailing at 50 Knots | Rehutai. Just watch what they do...their positions...their communication with one another and how they execute with everyone doing their job!