Adult Professional Kickball - Mixed Players Tourney

05/26/24| 5 Views
4 Subscribers

⁣This Is Turf Wars Invitational | Adult Professional Kickball - This game pitted the Eagles against the Wolves. Rules vary in Kickball. Here are the rules of the Turf Wars Kickball Invitational: Must have at least 8 filders; at least 4 must be female: Kicking lineup must contain a minimum of 13 players; All subs must be of the same sex; Throwing ball at runner is allowed - if runner is hit and not on base, they are out; Pitched ball must bounce twice before home plate; 3 strikes/3 balls per at bat - each batter gets one "good foul". The interesting thing about kickball...Bunting is a very popular play at bat. It usually can advance runners pretty easily!

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