Quincy Crittendon
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Dig into the science of stretching, and find out what it actually does to your muscles and how you can improve your flexibility.
An athlete is preparing for a game. They’ve put on their gear and done their warmup, and now it’s time for one more routine — stretching. Typically, athletes stretch before physical activity to avoid injuries like strains and tears. But does stretching actually prevent these issues? And if so, how long do the benefits of stretching last? Malachy McHugh explores the finer points of flexibility.
Lesson by Malachy McHugh, directed by Sofia Pashaei.
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Regular stretching increases flexibility and reduces the risk for injury. However, as with all exercise, form is important. Stretching incorrectly can do more harm than good. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Glenn Shi, an orthopedic surgeon, offers tips on doing the exercises correctly.
More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/
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Samford quarterback Quincy Crittendon talks about being ready when his name is called, rushing for walkoff touchdowns against both mercer and SE Louisiana, and an opportunity to play in the national quarterfinals at North Dakota State this weekend.
Quarterback Quincy Crittendon scores in overtime to defeat Southeastern Louisiana in the second round of the FCS Playoffs.
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